
This was a draft I had from July 15th, 2017

Yes it was 11:11 when I started this post. It’s now 11:41 and I don’t know how 30 minutes seeped past into reality. Computers do this, the numbers on the top right of the screen always change so quickly.
I haven’t had a working one for a while. Which hasn’t been too bad since screens fry me, but I am so happy to have a device to create With.

But woah transformation download with the winter solstice!!! And had such an amazing energy shift, finally getting back on it, hence why I’m on the keyboard right now creating rather than lying on unvaccuumed carped eating home delivered kebabs watching videos on how the earth is flat…

11:11 on my old laptop.

I am saying this now because I have only spent 2 nights in my apartment in the past two weeks and loving spontaneous travelling flow. In this way I must go to grow
Though flow will happen wherever you are if you allow it to.

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